Does the CASCADE keyword on the REVOKE statement imply that you can build an entire hierarchy of grantable grants using GRANT … WITH GRANT OPTION? What does that mean for your permission management plan? Find out now.
To remove just the grant option from a permission that has been granted specifying WITH GRANT OPTION , the REVOKE GRANT OPTION statement can be used. Read on to get all the details.
When revoking a permission that was granted with the WITH GRANT OPTION, you cannot just revoke the privilege itself. Instead SQL Server forces us to remove all permissions that were granted based on it too. Read on to see how this might impact your permission management.
A REVOKE always removes only an exactly alike GRANT. However there is one important exception: The handling of column permissions follows its own rules. Read on to get all the details.
If you have a security principal with a specific permission and you want to remove that permission from that principal, you can use the REVOKE statement. Read on to get all the details on how to use it.