While a DENY on one level of a security hierarchy in SQL Server always overrides a GRANT on a different level, there is one important exception. Read on to learn more about this exception and how it affects your security management.
SQL Server organizes databases in chunks of 8192 bytes, called pages. Each page starts out with 96 byte of meta-information – the page header. Read on to see what kind of information is stored in this special area.
Role base permission management can make permission management and permission management delegation a lot simpler. Read on to see how roles can be used to make grantable grants obsolete.
Grantable grant are an easy way to delegate permission management. However, revoking a grantable grant can cause trouble. Read on to see how using roles in conjunction with grantable grants can alleviate that problem.
What the DENY CASCADE statement does seems obvious. But is it? Read on to see what DENY CASCADE actually does and if that matches your expectation.