REVOKE and DENY are similar at first glance. However, DENY can be very powerful when used in the context of security principal hierarchies. Read on to get all the details.
DENY and REVOKE look very similar, they might just be the same. And indeed, when looking at a single security principal and a single securable in isolation that are functionally identical. But there is more to it. Discover their similarities and differences in this five-part series.
REVOKE together with the CASCADE keyword removes a permission and also all child permissions that were granted based on it. Read on to see how this plays out if the permission in question is the CONTROL privilege.
Does the CASCADE keyword on the REVOKE statement imply that you can build an entire hierarchy of grantable grants using GRANT … WITH GRANT OPTION? What does that mean for your permission management plan? Find out now.
To remove just the grant option from a permission that has been granted specifying WITH GRANT OPTION , the REVOKE GRANT OPTION statement can be used. Read on to get all the details.