The sys.asymmetric_keys catalog view is a one-stop shop to get information about the asymmetric keys in the current database. Read on to discover how to use it.
LOGINPROPERTY is a SQL Server catalog function that can be used to query a total of twelve properties for SQL Logins not even revealed by the sys.sql_logins catalog view. Read on to find out how to use LOGINPROPERTY and which properties it can return.
The sys.sql_logins catalog view can be used to retrieve additional information on SQL Logins that is not included in the sys.server_principals catalog view. Read on to find out what additional information is revealed by this catalog view.
Are you looking to identify your effective permissions in SQL Server, the permissions actually in effect after taking things like denies or role membership into account? Read on to see how sys.fn_my_permissions can help.
The sys.fn_builtin_permissions catalog function returns a result set that contains one row for each possible permission that you can grant (or deny) in SQL Server. Read on to find out how to use it and how to interpret the results.