On this sixth day of my A Join A Day series the topic is the right outer join. We are going to compare the right outer to the left outer join and we will see the SQL Server usually avoids them.
In this fifth post of my A Join A Day series we are going to examine the left outer join. Learn about the difference to an inner join, the importance of the ON clause and take a look at the left join operator used in execution plans.
In this 4th post of the ‘A Join A Day’ series we are going to take a detailed look at the cross join statement. The cross join is probably the simplest of all join commands, but it still has its surprises. Read on, to find out more.
It is T-SQL Tuesday time again. For T-SQL Tuesday #37 I would like to ask you to join me in a month of joins.
This post looks at the inner join T-SQL command. After reading you will be able to use it and explain how it handles data and how to identify it in an execution plan.