
  • A Working Table Compare Approach

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    2009-10-29 - General

    A while back I wrote an article about the underestimated complexity of a table compare algorithm. At the time I did not show a way of how to actually implement such an algorithm. Over the last couple of weeks I [more…]

  • Execution Plan Inaccuracies

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    2009-10-13 - General

    Execution plans are a great tool when you are trying to performance tune your SQL code. They contain a lot of information about how SQL Server will achieve what we have asked it to do. You can see which way [more…]

  • Constraint Controversy

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    2008-12-17 - General, tSQLt

    It wasn’t until recently that I ever thought to do away entirely with database constraints. Aside from appropriate normalization and writing fast SQL code, much of the time database professionals spend is on figuring out exactly what constraints to put [more…]

  • The Underestimated Complexity of a Table Compare Algorithm

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    2008-10-27 - General

    One of the most important parts of a testing framework for SQL code is a table or resultset compare function. “That is easy to implement”, you might think. But is it? Let’s have a closer look. Requirements The requirements for [more…]

  • First entry

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    2008-09-05 - Off Topic

    I moved the page to a new platform (again). I hope it will stay here for a while. It is a fairly complex system, and you will see future changes here and there. Enjoy Sebastian